Liz and Ryan: Our Story

When Ryan and I met in January 2016, neither of us knew we were gay. That came later. That semester of college, we lived next door to each other and spent a decent amount of time together because she’d been friends with my roommate in high school. The day that stands out as particularly special was the first time we hung out alone: we walked to the park, and I sat back against a tree while Ryan played ukulele. Then, we went back to her apartment to watch Leap Year and color Disney pictures solely with glitter glue. After that day, I craved time with Ryan. I didn’t recognize it as a crush at the time, but it was.

The next school year, we lived in the same apartment, along with four other friends. As an apartment, we spent lots of time together: we night-hiked the Y, took turns cooking Sunday dinners, explored downtown Provo, played (water) drinking games, watched movies on Ryan’s projector, and so on. We also played a lot of improv games. And, for whatever reason (be it the stars aligning or pure happenstance), a lot of these improv games required Ryan and I to act like a couple. We drew lines from a hat that had me call her “babe” and had her propose. As that continually happened, we started calling each other babe in reference; having this inside joke bonded us.

Over the following months, we spent a lot more time together and became close friends. One time, while some guys from our apartment building were over, we sat together on a giant bean bag and spent a solid 30 minutes cracking jokes and laughing, completely ignoring the guys. Another time, we stayed up talking until 3:00am after a roommate movie night; Ryan put a continuous clip of the ocean on the projector, and we shared fears and secrets to the sound of crashing waves. When Ryan needed to go to the Holi Festival for a class assignment, we went together and took pictures where we pretended to be a couple, calling each other babe with every other sentence. We began texting each other “goodnight” and talking throughout the day; she became my go-to contact for funny stories and frustrating moments and everything in-between. Even though we’re opposites in many ways, she understood me, and I understood her. We saw each other and appreciated each others’ universes in ways neither of us had experienced before.

About a week after the Holi Festival, I went to another roommate’s house for the weekend, and the whole time, I longed to be with Ryan. To be in the same space and laugh about how I didn’t know roosters were male chickens. To watch Once Upon a Time and mock the low-budget special effects. To cook chicken salad together for our roommates. To rest my head on her shoulder while watching the ocean ebb and flow on the projector. I told her I missed her, and she said vice versa. Being on the same page made my heart soar.

A few days after that, while we were curled up on the giant bean bag past our normal bedtime, I realized that I wanted to kiss her. More than anything. This realization surprised, scared, and excited me at the same time. I then tucked it away for another day, leaving my feelings unsaid.

Shortly thereafter, I met Ryan’s family and spent Easter with them. It was SUCH a magical weekend: we played games, cooked s’mores over the campfire, hunted for eggs, and more. I felt right at home with her family and right at home with her. I pictured us dating: staying with her for Thanksgiving, taking her home for Christmas, exploring the country on roadtrips, holding hands at restaurants, knowing each other’s quirks, hearing about each other’s days…the big and small things. 

That weekend, I took a leap of faith and told Ryan how I felt. She responded by saying, “Me too.” We embraced and held each other, and I couldn’t stop smiling.

Funny enough, we both ended that conversation by saying we were straight and that these feelings were a mutual fluke (denial runs deep, amiright?). In the following weeks, we did everything in our power to scale back to just being best friends (I had a mission to prepare for, and being gay was in neither of our plans).

After the semester ended, I flew to Edinburgh to study abroad for two months. With the exception of three days in Wales where I didn’t have WiFi, we FaceTimed and messaged every day (I often woke up way too early and Ryan stayed up way too late to make it work). I sent a postcard from every town we visited and took pictures of cool doors that Ryan would like; she sent me funny stories from work and other things that made me smile and miss her even more.

That 4th of July, Ryan drove all the way to Yakima so we could spend a few days together. I showed her all my favorite places: Grammy and Grampy’s old house, the Daley farm, Camp Dudley, Randall Park, and so on. Everything about that trip was magical, even though we’d shifted to being best friends (at least, as much as we could force). That trip had a bittersweet end, though, because we knew we wouldn’t see each other again until after my mission (2-ish years away).

On my mission, Ryan emailed me nearly every day, sharing scripture insights and random happenings and dog pictures. She was a strong support system for rough weeks and months, and her emails and words reminded me of God’s love. We both came to terms with being gay while I was in Arizona–Ryan several months ahead of me. This obviously led to some anxiety and unsurety about the future (for more on this, read my coming out Q&A), but I pushed through it.

When I came home in March 2019, Ryan and I picked right back up as best friends…only neither of us could ignore the fact that our feelings for each other hadn’t dwindled in the slightest. Only the opposite. The first time we talked on the phone, hearing her voice gave me chills. The first time we were alone in person, we had to stand in opposite corners of the room for a few minutes. When we went to the beach with my mom and brother, we spent a long time walking along the shore reinforcing our game plan to stay just friends.

A few months later, I returned to BYU, and Ryan and I were flatmates again. We spent a lot of quality time together and continued bonding, but we stayed within our boundaries. I gave straight dating my best shot, and continued with my plan to either marry a guy (which seemed so unfair to him) or stay single. As the school year continued, however, I began feeling hopeless about my plan because it lacked the companionship and joy I needed. I then spent a lot of time praying to know how Heavenly Father would feel about Ryan and me being together (Ryan had already made it clear that she would be with me in a heartbeat if I felt it was right). I studied scriptures, talked with trusted loved ones, spent time in the temple, and sought answers like I never had before. And I kept coming to the same conclusion: be with her, and be joyous.

My soul searching culminated in Washington D.C. of all places. I flew there in March 2020 to present at a conference, but the conference got cancelled due to COVID the day I flew in, and the rest of the country shut down throughout the week I was there. As part of my soul searching process, I wrote a “letter” to Heavenly Father talking through my thoughts and questions. I poured my heart out and wrote over 30 pages. By the time I finished the letter, I knew what He wanted me to do.

When Ryan picked me up from the airport at the end of the week, we started a 14-day quarantine in our apartment and planned to finish the remaining weeks of the semester with her family. The day after my flight came in, I told Ryan that I’d received an answer and that I was ready to date; I’d never seen her so shocked or overjoyed in my life. Throughout those fourteen days, we made meals together, figured out online classes, played games and completed puzzles, took walks to the duck pond, watched movies in a blanket fort, and talked about our future. Those 14 days were some of the happiest days of our lives so far. We felt like we were floating on clouds–like it was a dream (come true). One night, after making dinner together, Ryan played “Dance with Me” by Mandi Mapes on Spotify, and we danced in the kitchen, our smiles stretched as wide as they could go. It was truly a perfect moment.

We’ve been going strong ever since! We’ve loved going on real dates and getting to know each other as partners instead of just best friends. I’m forever grateful that she’s my confidant, my teepee, my adventure buddy, my person, my love, and I’m excited for the years to come <3.

In Their Arms

Before Ryan and I started dating at the start of the pandemic, I spent a lot of time praying to know how Heavenly Father would feel about us being together. I studied scriptures, talked with trusted loved ones, spent time in the temple, and sought answers like I never had before. And I kept coming to the same conclusion: be with her, and be joyous.

Shortly after telling Ryan I was ready to be together, I painted this to represent the answer I’d received. When I’m in her arms, I feel like I’m in the Savior’s arms, too. She’s a stalwart example of Christlike love, patience, service, kindness, devotion, faith, and resilience, and I’m eternally grateful that we have each other as we navigate this journey. 💕


Q: How long have you known?

A: I came to terms with being gay as a twenty-year-old missionary in Arizona. If I’m being honest, I knew much earlier than that, but denial runs deep–and digging through that denial for understanding was simultaneously a crushing and liberating experience. 

Q: Growing up, were you attracted to girls?

A: Yes. Although I didn’t completely recognize it at the time, I started crushing on girls when I was eleven years old. Sometimes, I met girls and instantly recognized how crazy pretty they were, and my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw them–or even just thought about them. Other times, I made new friends and grew closer to old ones and reached a point where I couldn’t stop thinking about them–I longed to be with them, thought about how I could impress them, and fantasized about spending quality time with just them. At the time, I thought this was how everyone felt about their friends. But it wasn’t.

I was never drawn to boys like that. Growing up, I had a few fleeting crushes on boys, but they were brought on when they showed interest in me; I liked the idea of being liked, so I tried (almost subconsciously) to make myself like the boys who gave me attention. I often had to consciously decide to have these crushes–I gave myself little pep talks like this: Okay Elizabeth, you’re gonna like this boy cuz [he likes you] or [he likes writing and dancing, so you have common interests] or [you’re supposed to like someone, so he’s gonna be that someone]. Again, I thought that was normal. But it wasn’t.

Q: Did you ever question your sexuality as a teenager?

A: Oh yeah. I first questioned my sexuality when I was thirteen. One of my best friends at the time told me, “I swear you’re gay for me,” and I immediately dismissed her comment and promised her that I wasn’t. But I panicked, cuz her comment wasn’t off-base: I did really enjoy cuddling with her, and I thought about her like 24/7, and I did cute things to make her smile. But, I wasn’t even close to ready to be honest with myself, so I pushed the question aside. Into the very back of the closet.

In 2012, when gay marriage became legally recognized in Washington state, I questioned my sexuality again. When a friend posted about it on Facebook, I felt a weird whirl of happiness and relief. The news hit too close to home, and I wondered if maybe I was…one of them. I then nervously mentioned the legalization to my mom, afraid that she’d say it was a shame, but she responded positively. I’ll never forget what she said: “It makes sense. They deserve to be happy and get married, too.”

As a seventeen-year-old freshman at BYU, an old friend and I were talking in her car, and I had the strongest desire to lean over and kiss her. Or even just hold her hand. This really freaked me out, cuz I’d already made myself believe that I was straight in high school. 

I could cite a dozen other little examples like this, but I think you get the point.

Q: But haven’t you dated (or gotten close to dating) a few boys?

A: Yeah, kinda. Whenever I got close to having a boyfriend in high school or college, I really only wanted to be friends with them. I recognized that they were fun people to hang out with, but I wasn’t attracted to them. I didn’t think they were very cute, and I wasn’t emotionally drawn to them, and I didn’t long to be with them the way I did with some of my female friends. I was more or less indifferent. (Awful, I know, but it’s the truth.)

Because the idea of having an actual boyfriend wasn’t appealing, I had a track record for pushing guys away when we approached a commitment threshold. For example, I dated a guy for three weeks my freshman year at BYU. Before making it official, we hung out once a week for a whole semester without ever holding hands or kissing or anything. When he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend, I told him no–and I meant it! I enjoyed being his friend, but I wasn’t attracted to him, physically or emotionally. A few weeks later, I felt bad for telling him no, so I decided to give him a chance…only to break up with him three weeks later.

You might be thinking, So things didn’t work out with that guy, but that doesn’t mean you’re gay. You just have to find the right guy. Well, friend, I thought that, too. But it’s been that way with every guy. And believe me, I tried really hard to convince myself that I was straight, that my indifference towards guys was a fluke, that my Mr. Right was out there somewhere. I tried a Latter-day Saint dating app. I tried speed dating. I took ballroom classes and met guys at swing dances. I introduced myself to random guys in classes, on campus, and at my apartment complex. But the more I tried to make myself attracted to them, the more indifferent I became. And, more importantly, while I was hard at work trying to like boys, I was also hard at work trying to not like girls.

Q: Did your experience with sexual assault make you gay?

A: Nope.

Q: So why come out now?

A: Pretending to be straight is exhausting, so I’m hoping that coming out will help me preserve energy and focus on more important things, like being a good friend, advocating for positive change in the world, growing spiritually, and not hating myself over a part of me I didn’t choose. I want to be authentic and vulnerable with people, and it’s difficult to do that when I’m hiding an important part of myself.

Q: How does this change who you are?

A: In almost every regard, I’m still me! I’m still my golden retriever self with a love for teaching, rock climbing, and writing. I eat too much ice cream and listen to too much Taylor Swift. I treasure the restored gospel and rely on Jesus Christ in my everyday life. I just also like girls (and very much appreciate gay jokes/memes/Tik Toks).

Q: How does this affect your relationship with God?

A: As a missionary, I spent hours on my knees pleading with Heavenly Father to take my same-sex attraction away. That prayer wasn’t answered–but over time, He blessed me with self-love, strong allies, and personal revelation that helped me understand His unique plan for me. Like I recited weekly as a teenager at church, I know I’m a daughter of Heavenly Parents who love me, and I love Them.

Q: What does this mean for your involvement in the Church?

A: Even though my future as a Latter-day Saint will be non-traditional and emotionally difficult at times, I’m keeping the Church and the restored Gospel at the center of my life. I know the Book of Mormon is true, I know modern prophets are called of God, I know revelation is real, and I know Christ is the Savior of the world. That’s enough for me to stay.

Q: How do you feel about being gay?

A: I wouldn’t change my sexuality if I could. Over time, I’ve come to see it as a complex but beautiful part of my divine blueprint. I’ve been happier this past year than I’ve ever been before (COVID and all!), and my self-acceptance has certainly factored into that happiness :).

Q: Any funny gay/in-the-closet stories?

A: YES. DM me.


Today I reread Laurie Halse Anderson’s novel Speak, a semi-autobiographical story about a thirteen year-old named Melinda who is raped by a senior at a summer party. After the assault, Melinda stays silent because she’s scared that no one will listen or care. And of course, she’s scared of what her attacker will do to her if she speaks up. As she begins high school, she’s friendless, flunking, scared, sleepy, and silent. She harms herself in a “whimper for help” and skips school because she’s too apathetic to function. Anderson candidly reflects the devastating reality of sexual assault.

For me, it hit home.

Four years ago, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I’d share this but I guess I’ve fittingly “cultivated courage” since then. To quote Melinda’s concluding line in Speak, “let me tell you about it”:

January 2016. I was sexually assaulted as a seventeen year-old freshman at BYU. I didn’t get attacked walking home by myself at night or on a blind date or any other stereotypical setting for sexual assault; my attacker wasn’t a stranger or a new acquaintance. Rather, he was a relative who’d gotten home from his mission just hours before.

I drove straight from my Friday afternoon English class to the Salt Lake City airport to greet Michael*. I excitedly hugged his mom and the rest of my family as we waited for him to get off the plane. We pulled out our cameras, held up “Welcome Home!” signs, and exchanged comments about ways he likely changed over the two years he was teaching others about Jesus Christ as a missionary.

In the following hours, Michael was released from his calling as a full-time missionary and began settling in at home. Eager to hear his stories, we all gathered in the living room. We didn’t get much from him except some comments about the cool cars people drove, wild experiences he had on trains, and castles he visited on p-days.

As people trickled off to bed, he roped me into staying up to watch a movie. Okay so far. As the last stragglers hit the hay and the lights went off, Michael got closer and closer to me. A bit less okay. Then he insisted on laying with me on the couch…and that escalated to him laying on top of me, our bodies sandwiched together. Not okay. As time progressed, he maneuvered so I was on top of him, face up, with his arms locked around me and his hands grasping my boobs. He repeatedly kissed and bit my ears, neck, and chest. Before that night, I’d only ever kissed one boy. It was a short, innocent, high-school-crush kiss–the kind that makes me look back and smile. I knew immediately that Michael’s wasn’t that kind of kiss.

As first I thought (and honestly even hoped) that he didn’t realize just how wrong this all was. But then he heard footsteps down the hall and quickly got off me, sat on the floor, and pretended to watch the movie like nothing had happened. He got right back to it once they disappeared. I think I felt most scared when I was locked under him, flat on my back and dead-stiff on the couch. He got an erection and I feared that he’d take it even further. He didn’t, thankfully.

I didn’t tell a soul for nineteen months. I drove home the second Michael’s missionary homecoming was over (I felt obligated to stay for that); for most of the drive home, I tried to convince myself that what Michael did was dismissive. I didn’t want to deal with the reality of being assaulted. I rattled off all the could’ve-s and should’ve-s to myself (I could’ve said no, pushed him off, driven home, etc). When I walked into my apartment Sunday night, my roommate sensed that I was a bit off and asked about my weekend. I wanted to break down and tell her everything but instead I masked it and said it was fine. I might’ve even said I had a good time.

Later that week, I met with a counselor (I’d already met with her a few times and happened to have a scheduled appointment). I walked into the session determined to disclose the experience I’d just been through, but instead I sealed my lips and directed the conversation to school stress. I was too scared to speak and face reality.

As time went on, I tried to bury the trauma but learned that “feelings buried alive never die” (Karol Truman). Melinda expresses similar feelings in Speak: “The whole point of not talking about it, of silencing the memory, is to make it go away. It won’t” (Anderson 82). Like Melinda, I wasn’t able to silence the memory (or at least hush it) until I told someone.

July 2017. I told my best friend. It took multiple attempts to force the unspoken words out of my mouth, but I felt so much better once I did. Telling her was my first step toward healing. I then realized that “the bruises are vivid, but they will fade” (198).

October 2017. On October 10th I flew to Salt Lake City–the same airport that Michael flew into–to enter the MTC (missionary training center) the following day. I spent the night at my extended family’s house and hoped that he wouldn’t be there. He was. His parents volunteered up his bed and made him take the couch just outside his room. As I lay there suffocating under his blanket, I broke down. I was so scared. The next morning Michael sat in the backseat with me as I got dropped off at the MTC. Such circumstances made it the easiest drop-off imaginable.

November 2017. Michael haunted my dreams several times during my first few weeks as a missionary in Phoenix, AZ and I decided to tell my companion. We knelt down for nightly companionship prayer and I almost chickened out, lying to myself she wouldn’t believe me or want to listen. But then I told her and she responded so lovingly. Enraged at Michael, she insisted that I tell his parents. It took me a week or so to muster the courage to write and send a letter, but I knew it was a necessary step in my healing. My hands and heart shook as I spilled ink and put words on paper, but I did it and it felt good. I’ve escalated since then.

September 2019. My story’s not over yet. There’s still progress to be made, but I’m happy with where I’m at. I’m in a good place emotionally and I’m moving on. To quote Melinda, “I have survived. I am here. Confused, screwed up, but here. It happened. There’s no avoiding it, no forgetting. No running away, or flying, or burying, or hiding… [Michael sexually assaulted me.] It wasn’t my fault. He hurt me. But I’m not going to let it kill me. I can grow” (198).

If you’re a survivor of sexual assault, you’re not alone. I’m just a message away and will happily talk. You deserve to heal–and in my experience that can’t happen until you speak out and say to someone, “let me tell you about it” (198).

People will listen.


*name has been changed

Preach My Gospel Lesson Plans

I compiled these resources to teach the missionary lessons from Preach My Gospel while serving my mission in Arizona. I hope these lesson plans help other missionaries/future missionaries!


*Do you believe that God is our Eternal Father? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior and Redeemer of the world?
*Do you believe that the Church and gospel of Jesus Christ have been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith? Do you believe that President Nelson is a prophet of God? What does this mean to you?

🌼 Invitations
*Will you read the Book of Mormon and ask God in prayer to know that it is the word of God?
*Will you ask God in prayer to know that Joseph Smith was a prophet?
*Will you attend church with us this Sunday?
*Commandments from lesson 4 that you choose to include.


*God is your Heavenly Father and you are His child. He created your spirit before you came to earth and He loves you completely. He is an eternal being with a perfect and immortal body of flesh and bone. He is all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful. He wants to communicate with you, His beloved child, through prayer; He has allowed you to come to earth to learn and grow and become like Him by following Jesus Christ. You can show your love to God by praying, reading His teachings in the scriptures, keeping the commandments, and living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Inspired questions: What has motivated you to turn to God? to turn away? When have you recognized God hearing your prayers? When have you felt God guide you? What is your relationship with God like right now? What is important in your life? How do you think God sees you? Who do you think you can become if you follow Him? What words would you use to describe God? When have you felt closest to God? What were you doing to feel close to Him? When were you furthest from God? What distanced you from Him? How does knowing you have a loving Heavenly Father give you purpose and meaning in life?

Scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants 18:10, 2 Nephi 26:27, Moses 1:39, 1 Nephi 11:17, Doctrine and Covenants 130:22

Examples/analogies: Relate developing a relationship with God and Jesus Christ to coming to know your best friend – it takes time and effort.

Media: Earthly Father, Heavenly Father


*When you focus your life on Jesus Christ and His Gospel, God will bless you now and in the eternities. Your family relationships can be strengthened and you can receive extra help to deal with life’s challenges.

Inspired questions: What blessings has God given you? What does your family mean to you? What are your hopes and dreams? How do you show your love for your family? How does God show His love for His family?

Media: Families Can Be Together Forever video


*Heavenly Father shows his love for his children by calling prophets, who are given power and authority to act in God’s name and to teach his gospel. They lead God’s kingdom on the earth as they receive direction from God through revelation. They can administer ordinances, such as baptism, that are essential for our salvation. When people followed God’s prophets, they were blessed. When they disregarded, disobeyed, or distorted God’s teachings or the ordinances of the gospel, they began to live in spiritual darkness. When widespread apostasy occurs, God withdraws his power and authority and no longer calls prophets until the people are again ready to follow Him and receive His blessings. But because God loves us, He always calls another prophet to direct His kingdom on earth when the time is right.

Inspired questions: If there were a prophet on the earth today, what would you ask him? Why would God repeatedly reveal the Gospel of Jesus Christ through prophets? What does God’s pattern of prophetic dispensations teach us?

Scriptures: 1 Nephi 10:4-8, 1 Nephi 22:2, 2 Nephi 2:27, 2 Nephi 31:4, 17, Jacob 1:7, Jacob 4:13-15, Mosiah 3:13*, Mosiah 18:17, Alma 19:4, Alma 33:17-20, 3 Nephi 11: 10, 12 15, 3 Nephi 13:25, 3 Nephi 23:5 (whoever repents and is baptized will be saved — search the prophets), Mark 12:1-8, Amos 3:7*, Jacob 4:6 (we study the teachings of prophets so we can develop faith and hope in Christ), Mosiah 8:16-18 (prophets are also seers and revelatory and through them all godly things are known)

Examples/analogies: graph of dispensations, dispense light and truth, example of asking a teacher for help vs saying I don’t need help,

Media: Mormon Beliefs Prophets video, Elder Vargas dispensations video


*A few hundred years before Christ’s birth, the people rejected God’s prophet and again fell into a widespread apostasy. God revoked his power and authority from the earth until He sent His Son Jesus Christ to atone for the sins of all mankind and to overcome death. The Savior performed many miracles and taught His Gospel. He taught that if we have faith in Him, repent, are baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end, we can receive forgiveness of our sins and live eternally with our Heavenly Father and our families. He reestablished His Church and gave His 12 apostles priesthood power and authority by the laying on of hands to lead the Church after His death and resurrection.

Inspired questions: Why do you think Christ established a church? How would you feel being a part of Christ’s original church? Do you think you would have the faith to be healed by Christ? the faith to not be healed? How does it make you feel to learn that Christ died for you? How would you feel if you were baptized by John the Baptist? why would that be different? What would it mean to have the power of God in your life?

Scriptures: John 3:16-17, Acts 2:37-38 (apostles teach the doctrine of Christ), Matthew 16:18-21, Matthew 16:15-16, Mark 3:14-15 (Christ ordained 12 apostles to preach and gave them priesthood power), Mark 5:23 (Jarius begs Christ to lay his hands on his daughter to heal her), Mark 5:25-31 (a woman is healed by touching Christ’s clothes), Mark 6:6-7, 12-13 (Christ sent the 12 apostles to teach and heal), Mark 16:15-20 (the Risen Lord commissions the apostles to preach the gospel and to work miracles in His name. He ascends into heaven and worked with them*, confirming their works), Luke 20:2-4 (authority to preach and baptize), Alma 7:11-13, 3 Nephi 9:13 (healing and conversion), Luke 1:70, 76-80, Ephesians 4: 5, 12-13 (purpose of Christ’s church), 1 Corinthians 12:28 (apostles, prophets, and miracles are found in the true church)

Examples/analogies: Plate (Christ’s church, apostasy, glue = priesthood power in the restoration), 4 pillars (priesthood, prophets, apostles, revelation), 2 pits analogy, puzzle analogy, father and son with the train, cups

Media: Mormon Beliefs video about Jesus Christ’s Church, Bible videos (especially about His Atonement), Because of Him


*With priesthood authority given to them by Christ, the apostles maintained order in His church and kept the doctrines pure, authorized sacred ordinances, and called other people to the ministry. When wicked people killed the apostles and rejected the teachings of Jesus Christ, that priesthood power and authority was taken from the earth. Without continued revelation and direction from Jesus Christ, unauthorized changes were made to the church and many different churches were created by man. Priesthood authority must continue in an unbroken line of succession.

*‎Inspired questions: Why do you think truth was taken away? What are some things that lead people away from God/His truths? –> distraction, deception, desensitization. Havbe you ever felt like you’ve been in spiritual darkness?

Scriptures: Amos 8:6-7, 1 Nephi 13:26, 28 (truths taken away from the Bible), Jacob 4:14 (the Jews rejected the prophets and looked beyond the mark), Mormon 5:16-18 (the Ancient American people once had Christ as their shepherd, but they were then led by Satan without wind and sail or anchor, and the spirit ceased to be with them — they were without Christ and God)

Examples/analogies: Plate analogy, spiritual darkness, telephone, cup tower, puzzle analogy, drought and famine


*Because the priesthood authority was taken from the earth after the death of Christ’s apostles, a restoration of that priesthood authority was needed. To restore is to bring back something in its original form. In the 1800s, God and Jesus Christ lovingly restored the gospel and the priesthood to the earth by again calling a prophet. This prophet’s name is Joseph Smith. When Joseph was a young boy, his family was deeply religious and he wanted to know which church had the true gospel of Jesus Christ. He attended many churches and read about Christ’s original church in the New Testament but remained confused about which one was right. When turning to the Bible for guidance, he read James 1:5: “if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.” Inspired by this scripture, Joseph knew that he needed to ask God so he went to a quiet place in the forest and knelt in prayer. God and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph in a vision and told him to not join any of the churches because they did not have the fulness of the truth or the priesthood authority to baptize and perform other saving ordinances. As God had done with other prophets throughout history, He called Joseph Smith to be a prophet and to restore Christ’s church. In the following years, God sent heavenly messengers including John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John to restore the priesthood to the earth. God has promised that we will never have another widespread apostasy on the earth and that he will always call a living prophet to lead Christ’s church until the Savior Himself returns to the earth. There is a prophet on the earth today who holds the same priesthood authority.

Inspired questions: When you learn that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored by God through the prophet Joseph Smith, what will that mean in your life?

Scriptures: 1 Nephi 10:11-14, 1 Nephi 22:8-9, 10, 2 Nephi 28:23, 26, 30, 2 Nephi 30:5-8, Ephesians 1:10, Mark 13:33-36 (the Master left his house for a time but gave authority to his servant “Are we watching and preparing for when he returns?”), Acts 7:55-56 (Steven sees God and Jesus Christ), JSH 1:8-10, 15-16

Examples/analogies: restoring a car (full restoration – same colors, interior, and other stuff) –> restoring Christ’s church, puzzle analogy

Media: Ask of God video, Seeker of Truth video, pamphlet


*You can know that Joseph Smith was truly a prophet of God and that Christ’s church has been restored by reading the Book of Mormon and asking God if it is true. The Book of Mormon is an ancient book of scripture written by prophets in the Americas that testifies of Jesus Christ and contains the fullness of His Gospel (what we must do to have peace in this life and eternal life with your family in the life to come). Through Heavenly messengers, God delivered this ancient book of scripture, engraved on sheets of gold, to Joseph Smith so he could translate it by the gift and power of God. If you come to know that the Book of Mormon is true, then you will also know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is lead by living prophets and apostles today.

Inspired questions: When have you beheld the marvelous light of God (Alma 26:8)? Why would it be important to know that the Book of Mormon is true scripture? How can the Book of Mormon, as a second witness of Jesus Christ, increase your faith in Him?

Scriptures: 2 Nephi 33:10 (hearken unto these words and believe in Christ), 1 Nephi 6:4, Ether 5, 1 Nephi 10: 3, 5-6, 11-14, 17, 19, 1 Nephi 13:40 (why we need the Book of Mormon in addition to tje Bible), 1 Nephi 15:24, 1 Nephi 19:3-6, 18, 2 Nephi 11:4-7, 2 Nephi 27:6-14, 23, 26*, 2 Nephi 29:8-12, 2 Nephi 33:10-11, Jacob 4:4, 6, Mormon 3:20-22 (Mormon is abridging this record so that all will believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and know that Jesus is the Christ and so thay we will be persuaded to repent and prepare to meet God), Mormon 8:15-16, 26-41. (Joseph will bring this record to light by the power of God – Moroni sees our day)


Media: Book of Mormon video; Jeffrey R Holland Book of Mormon introduction video; Safety for the Soul by Elder Holland October 2009; introduce with pictures


*You can only come to know if this message is true by praying and asking God with sincerity of heart. You must intend to act on the answer you receive. As you do this, you will know the truth by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Inspired questions: When have you recognized God hearing your prayers? What questions do you have about what we’ve discussed today? What can we do to help you open your heart to God and fully let him in?

Scriptures: Moroni 10:3-5, introduction to the Book of Mormon

Examples/analogies: Holy Ghost is your superhero sidekick

Media: Patterns of Light series



*Do you believe that God is our Eternal Father? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior and Redeemer of the world?

🌼 Invitations
Will you ask God in prayer to know that what we have taught is true?
‎Will you repent of your sins?
‎Will you attend church with us this Sunday?
‎Will you read the Book of Mormon and ask God in prayer to know that it is the word of God?
Will you follow the example of the Savior and be baptized on (date)?
May we set a time for our next visit?
Commandments from lesson 4 that you choose to include.


*When Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ restored the gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith, many eternal truths were again revealed to us, including knowledge about God’s plan for us. We again know where we came from, why we’re here on earth, and what will happen after we die. Before we came to earth and gained physical bodies, we lived with Heavenly Father as spirits. God is the literal Father of our spirits and He loves each of us personally and perfectly. He has an immortal body of flesh and bone and we are created in His image. He wants us to grow to become like Him and to receive all of His blessings. We could only progress to become like Him if we, too, received physical bodies and grew through the experiences and challenges of mortality. In the premortal life He proposed a plan in which we could come here to earth, have free will to choose between right and wrong, and prepare to return to live with Him and our families; knowing that we’d all sin and make mistakes, He promised to send a Savior to suffer the penalty of our sins so we could be forgiven and return to God’s presence. Everyone who has ever lived on earth accepted God’s plan. We must now choose to follow Jesus Christ.

Inspired questions: What does it mean to you that God is your Heavenly Father? What does it mean to you that you’re a child of God? How does that change the way you see yourself?

Scriptures: Alma 24:14 (he loves our souls and our children), Alma 18:39 (the plan of redemption was prepared from the foundation of the world), 2 Nephi 26:24, 33 (Christ doeth nothing save it be for the benefit of the world, for he loveth the world … He invites all to come unto him and partake of his goodness… all are alike unto God), Moses 1:39, Doctrine and Covenants 88:15 (the spirit and the body are the soul of man)

Examples/analogies: growing up with loving parents who taught and prepared us for life and then going off to college (earth life is a test and a preparatory state for further progress and joy) and then graduating and progressing in a good career


*Under the direction of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ created the earth as a place for us to live and gain experience. In order to progress and become like God, each of us had to obtain a body and be tested during a time of probation on the earth. We must choose to have faith in Jesus Christ and live His Gospel so we can return to live with God.

Inspired questions: Where have you felt closest to God? How has your environment affected your spiritual well-being?

Scriptures: 2 Nephi 2:14-15 (God created all good things, there must be opposition)

Examples/analogies: have you ever made something that you’rereally proud of (art work, meal, outdoor project, garden, etc)? You love your creation because you worked hard to create it. Likewise, God and Jesus Christ love the world and all things in it because they created it.


*Adam and Eve were God’s first children to come to earth; God created them in His image and placed them in the Garden of Eden, where they lived in God’s physical presence and he provided for their needs. In the Garden, they were innocent and couldn’t comphrehend joy because they’d never experienced opposition through pain or sorrow. God forbade them from eating the forbidden fruit but gave them agency, which is the ability to choose between good and evil. Satan tempted them and they chose to eat the forbidden fruit. Because they disobeyed God’s commandment, they could no longer live in His presence and were sent out of the Garden. They became mortal and could now experience opposition, learn and grow, make wrong decisions and sin, and have children. This was part of God’s plan and allowed His other spirit childrento come to earth and receive bodies. We could not grow to become like God and to fulfill our divine mission on earth if Adam and Eve had not been cast out of the garden. It was the only way.

Inspired questions: Why do you think God gives us commandments? How have commandments been a blessing in your life?

Scriptures: 1 Nephi 10:6 (all mankind will he in a lost and fallen state unless they rely on Christ), 2 Nephi 2:14-25 (Creation, Adam and Eve, the purpose of the Fall), 2 Nephi 2:27 (men are free to choose eternal life or captivity), 2 Nephi 9: 5-7 (need for the fall), Helaman 14:30-31 (God gives us agency and we will be restored according to our choices), Alma 42:2-7 (Adam and Eve were cut off spiritually and temporally from God’s presence and were given agency), Mormon 9:11-13 (God is a god of miracles – he created Adam, and by Adam came the Fall of man, and because of the Fall came Jesus Christ, and redemption comes becauseof Christ)

Examples/analogies: two pits with Mosiah 16:4 (all mankind were lost without Christ), parents let their kids learn from mistakes and make their own decisions — can’t protect them forever because they won’t grow)


*Our purpose in life is to have joy and prepare to live in God’s presence. Heavenly Father allowed us to come to earth to gain physical bodies and to choose to follow Jesus Christ so that we can continually progress to become like Them. In this life we will all experience opposition: sickness and health, sorrow and joy, evil and good. Facing opposition is part of God’s plan for us because it helps us to turn to Christ and apply His Atonement in our lives.

Inspired questions: What role does God play in your life? Do you want Him to have a bigger role? How will you do that? How do you think God sees you? What can you change in your life to better follow Jesus Christ? What choices have brought you closer to God?

Scriptures: 2 Nephi 2:2 (the Lord shall consecrated thine afflictions for thy gain), 2 Nephi 2:8 (no unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God except they be cleansed through Jesus Christ– He atoned for our sins and was resurrected), 2 Nephi 2:11 (opposition in all things), 2 Nephi 9:39 (to be carnallyminded is death and to be spiritually minded is life eternal), 2 Nephi 9:45 (turn away from your sins and shake off the chains which bind you and come unto God), Alma 34:32 (prepare to meet God), Mosiah 7:33 (turn to God with full purpose of heart), Jacob 3:1-2 (look to God with firmness of mind and he will* console you), 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (We are troubled but not in despair because of Jesus Christ)

Examples/analogies: college (see analogy in premortal life section), open book test with answers and other help.


*Jesus Christ overcame death when He was resurrected; therefore, we will all be resurrected and return to God’s presence to be judged. Knowing that we’d all sin and spiritually distance ourselves from God, Christ also paid the price for each of our sins. In the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross, He suffered for all our pains, afflictions, temptations, and sins of every kind so that he’d be able to succor us and extend mercy to the penitent. If we apply Christ’s Atonement in our lives, we can be forgiven and cleansed from our sins and become worthy to live in God’s presence forever. We do this by having faith in Christ, repenting, being baptized in His name, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end.

Inspired questions: How do you think Christ can help you heal? How do you feel hearing that Christ suffered for you personally? What does that mean to you? What can we do to help you open your heart to Christ more fully?

Scriptures: 2 Nephi 2:6 (redemption comes through Christ), 2 Nephi 2:28 (look to Christ and follow his commandments), Alma 7:11-14, 2 Nephi 9:7-10 (infinite atonement, preparing a way for us to escape from the grasp of Satan), 2 Nephi 9:21-23****** (Christ comes to save all men and suffered the pains of all men – all will stand before him at judgment – he commands all to have faith, repent, and be baptized), Alma 21:9 (redemption is possible because of the death and sufferings of Christ), Alma 33:22-23 (believe in the Son of God, that he will redeem his people and atone for their sins and rise from the dead that all men will stand to be judged of him – plant this word in your hearts), 3 Nephi 9:13-22 (come u to me and be healed), Jacob 4:11 (be reconciled to god through the atonement of Jesus Christ and obtain resurrection), Mosiah 16:6-9 (Why we need Jesus Christ – “if Christ had not come, ….”)

Examples/analogies: 2 pits, mission possible, train driver letting son who’s on the tracks get hit in order to save everyone on the train and not colliding with another train

Media: He Lives! Video, Because of Him


*Death is part of God’s plan. But because Christ overcame physical death through His Atonement, we will all eventually be resurrected and live again in immortal physical bodies. At death our spirits go to the spirit world, which is a waiting place between death and resurrection. Our personalities and desires remain the same in the spirit world. Those who chose to obey God in this life will live in a state of happiness and peace and those who chose to disobey God in this life and did not repent will live in a state of unhappiness. Because Heavenly Father loves all of His children and wants them to return to live with Him, the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached to those who disobeyed the gospel or did not have the opportunity to hear it while on earth. Everyone who accepts the gospel and sincerely repents will be forgiven and can receive all of God’s blessings.

Inspired questions: Have you ever felt the presence or influence of a loved one who has passed away? Why do you think God would allow people to preach the gospel in the spirit world? Who do you know that passed away before accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ that would likely accept these truths in the spirit world? What would it mean to you to be baptized in their behalf?

Scriptures: Alma 40: 11-12, 1 Peter 4:6, 1 Corinthians 15:29 (baptisms for the dead)

Examples/analogies: waiting room

Media: What happens after we die? Mormon Beliefs video


*Because Christ defeated death and was resurrected, we too will be resurrected: our bodies and spirits will be eternally reunited in perfect form. Immortality is an unconditional gift to all of God’s children. After the Resurrection, we will be brought into God’s presence to be judged. If we repented and applied Christ’s Atonement in our lives, we will receive mercy and be saved from spiritual death. We can live with God and our families forever in the most glorious part of His kingdom if we continually develop faith in Jesus Christ, repent, are baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and live faithful to temple ordinances and covenants.

Inspired questions: What does it mean to you that you can live with your family forever? At the resurrection, who will you be most excited to see?

Scriptures: 2 Nephi 2:9-10 (Christ intercedes at judgement and all men must stand before God to be judged), Alma 40:23, 2 Corinthians 4:14 (God raised up Christ and he will raise us up to be judged because Christ defeated death)

Examples/analogies: hand in glove, dam in a river


*Heavenly Father will judge us according to our choices and desires in mortality. He knows our thoughts, hearts, and deeds and He understands each of us perfectly. He will extend mercy to all who repented because He wants us to live forever in His presence. Because God rewards us according to our choices and desires, there are multiple kingdoms, or levels of glory, that He may assign us to. People who faithfully live the gospel of Jesus Christ will be placed in the celestial kingdom. In this kingdom families can live with God and continue to progress in knowlege and glory and become like Him. People who do not accept and live the gospel in mortality or in the spirit world but live honorable loves will be placed in the terrestrial kingdom. People who continually sinned and did not repent and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ will be placed in the lowest kingdom, called the telestial kingdom.

Inspired questions: If you were to die today, would you feel prepared to meet God? Would you feel comfortable in God’s presence? Have you repented of your past sins and transgressions? How have you felt when you’re forgiven/ what’s keeping you from repenting? How do you think the choices you make now will effect your eternal destination?

Scriptures: 2 Nephi 9:4 (in our bodies we shall see God), 2 Nephi 9:14, 18 (judgment of the righteous, inherit the kingdom of God, full joy forever), Jacob 4:11, Alma 42:1,4 (time granted to repent), Alma 42:23-24 (mercy claims the repentant and mercy is only possible because of Christ’s perfect Atonement. The Atonement makes the resurrection possible, throug which we will be taken to God’s presence to be judged according to our works), 3 Nephi 27:20 (repent, be baptized, and receive the Holy Ghost and stand spotless before me), 2 Corinthians 5:10 (we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ)

Examples/analogies: different amounts of light; awesome party – have to bring a dozen chocolate chip cookies –> guy at the gate allows in those who followed – star, moon, amd sun parties, dam in a river, court with a jury and judge


*Do you believe that God is our Eternal Father? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior and Redeemer of the world?
* What does it mean to you to repent? Do you feel that you have repented of your past transgressions?
*When you are baptized, you covenant with God that you are willing to take upon yourself the name of Christ and keep His commandments throughout your life. Are you ready to make this covenant and strive to be faithful to it?


*Because of Jesus Christ, we can each experience joy and peace in this world and eternal life with God and our families in the world to come. He is the source of all hope. Heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to the earth to save us from sin and death. He fulfilled His divine mission by performing the Atonement: in the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ individually suffered for each person’s pains, sicknesses, temptations, and sins; He was then crucified on the cross and rose on the third day as a Resurrected Being, thus defeating death. Because of Christ’s Atonement, we will all live again with perfect, immortal bodies and return to God’s presence to be judged. No one who is unclean can live in God’s presence, but we can be cleansed from our sins as we sincerely repent. This is possible because Christ paid the penalty of our sins and can thus forgive us and extend mercy as we have faith in Him, repent, get baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end.

Inspired questions: (See faith in Christ)

Scriptures: 3 Nephi 27:13-16 (Christ has given us his gospel and makes salvation possible), 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 (Christ gave is his ministry of reconciliation to the Father – we are ambassadors for Christ), Mosiah 16:6-9 (Why we need Jesus Christ – “if Christ had not come, ….”), Doctrine and Covenants 76:40-42

“The joyous news of the gospel is this: because of the eternal plan of happiness provided by our loving Heavenly Father and through the infinite sacrifice of Jesus the Christ, we can not only be redeemed from our fallen state and restored to purity, but we can also transcend mortal imagination and become heirs of eternal life and partakers of God’s indescribable glory.” Elder Uchtdorf April 2016

Examples/analogies: two pits, toothpick trick

Media: Because of Him, He Lives, Who is Jesus Christ?,


*The Gospel of Jesus Christ, often referred to as the doctrine of Christ, is taught clearly and powerfully in the Book of Mormon. As you continue to prayerfully study this book, you will better understand what God requires of you and what blessings are in store for His faithful followers.

Inspired questions: As you’ve read the Book of Mormon, what have you learned about Jesus Christ?

Scriptures: 3 Nephi 23:5 (whoever repents and is baptized will be saved — search the prophets), 3 Nephi 26:17 (the disciples went forth and baptized with water and the spirit), Mormon 7:5-10 (repent, believe in Jesus Christ, benaptized and receive the holy spirit– Christ overcame death and brings about resurrection)

Examples/analogies: toothpick and towel object lesson, keystone

Media: The Book of Mormon Introduction video


*The Gospel of Jesus Christ begins with having faith in Him. We develop faith as we act on our belief that Christ is our Savior and apply His Atonement in our lives. We show our faith by studying His teachings, obeying His commandents, repenting, and following His example by being baptized. God promises to bless us as we act on our faith in His Son Jesus Christ.

Inspired questions: What has motivated you to turn to Christ? How do you think Christ sees you? When have you shown Christ that you trust Him? How do you think church attendance could enhance your life? What does it mean to you to follow Jesus Christ? Who are some of your role models of Christlike living? What blessings are you in need of? Do you believe that God will provide for your needs as you recommit to following Jesus Christ ?

Scriptures: Alma 32

Examples/analogies: faith is like wind, rewards behind a closed door, seed


*Repentance through the Atonement of Jesus Christ is another important principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our faith in Christ leads us to repent, or to change our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that are not aligned with His will. To repent, we recognize that we sinned and feel godly sorrow for turning away from our Heavenly Father. We stop committing the sin, ask God for forgiveness, correct any wrongs we’ve done to other people, and recommit to follow Jesus Christ and live His gospel. Repentance deepens our desire to follow Christ and to resist temptations. We can know God has forgiven us when we feel inner peace, the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and confidence in Christ’s Atoning grace and mercy. Even after repenting, we may fall short and sin again, but Christ can strengthen us and help us grow.

Inspired questions: How do you expect to feel once God has forgiven your sins? Have you ever repented before? How did you feel through that experience? What is currently keeping you from coming closer to Christ? What can we do to help you more fully open your heart to God? Why would God care about your choices? When have you felt closest to God?

Scriptures: Alma 34:15-16 (Christ saves all who believe on His name and repent – he can only extend mercy to those who exercise faith unto repentance), Alma 42:29-30, 3 Nephi 9:13-14**, 3 Nephi 9:21-22, 3 Nephi 27:19-20 (we can only become worthy to enter God’s kindgom if we repent and are baptized), John 5:14

Examples/analogies: ABCD (acknowledge, be sorry, confess, don’t do it again); pent in Latin is to turn, so repenting is returning to God; pen analogy

Media: The Hope of God’s Light


*Faith in Jesus Christ and repentance prepare you for baptism by immersion for the remission of sins. Baptism is an ordinance–a sacred ceremony that shows you have entered into a covenant with God. A covenant is an eternal, binding agreement between you and God. At baptism, you covenant to always remember Jesus Christ, to take His name upon uou, and to keep His commandments. As you keep your covenant, God promises to forgive your sins and give you the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. Christ taught, by example, that we must be baptized. No one can live with God without being baptized in Christ’s name by proper authority. After baptism, you renew your baptismal covenant by partaking of the sacrament.

Inspired questions: Why do you want to be baptized? What fears or hesitations do you have? How do you think God will bless you for being baptized? What would it mean to you if John the Baptist baptized you? What does it mean do you to take Christ’s name upon you?

Scriptures: Mosiah 18:18-20 (qualifications), 3 Nephi 7:24-25, Mark 11:30, 3 Nephi 26:21 (they who were baptized in the name of Christ were of the church of Christ), Doctrine and Covenants 20:37 (qualifications)

Examples/analogies: you have one wish — and you can get your wish if you (—) –> Heavenly Father will give you the gift of the Holy Ghost if you’re baptized; imagine your dream house — it’s up on a big hill and there’s a fence around the base of the hill — after you get the key and go through the gate, you have to keep climbing up the hill to get to the house, piano recital date, ice cream truck vs police car,

Media: Bible videos


*Baptism must be followed by confirmation and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, or it is incomplete. After you are baptized one of more authoried priesthood holders will lay their hands on your head and confirm you a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and confer the gift of the Holy Ghost. When baptism and confirmation are paired together, you can receive a remission of your sins and be completely spiritually reborn so you can begin a new life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost will continually cleanse you as you remain faithful, live the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and partake of the sacrament weekly. You can enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost throughout your life; the Holy Ghost testifies of Christ, gives you strength, guides you to make good decisions, comforts you, warns you of danger, accelerates your learning, and helps you feel God’s love.

Inspired questions: Have you felt the Holy Ghost before? How do you expect to feel the Holy Ghost? What help do you need from the Holy Ghost right now in your life?

Scriptures: 3 Nephi 18:37 (Jesus gave the 12 apostles power to give the Holy Ghost), Acts 8:17, Doctrine and Covenants 6:23

Examples/analogies: walking through a dark tunnel — flashlight occassionally flickering on vs being in full use (occasional Holy Ghost vs gift of the Holy Ghost), blanket, soda full vs empty (immovable vs crushable), vibrating cell phone, whisper, Holy Ghost is your superhero sidekick


*Enduring to the end is an essential principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Baptism is the gate that opens the path to eternal life, whicht he modern-day prophet Russell M Nelson refers to as “the covenant path.” We walk on the covenant path and endure to the end by living our baptismal covenant, developing Christlike attributes, obeying God’s commandments, praying, studying the scriptures, observing the Sabbath day, and making and keeping temple covenants. When we fall short, we must repent and again qualify for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. As we do these things throughout our lives, we will be exalted in the life to come.

Inspired questions: What gives you true joy? What challenges do you foresee as you strive to follow Jesus Christ? What blessings do you hope for?

Scriptures: Acts 2:41-42, 3 Nephi 27:6 (whosoever takes upon them my name and endures to the end will be saved), 4 Nephi 1:15-16 (happiest people), Doctrine and Covenants 84:110 (the church has need of every member)

Examples/analogies: steep hike, finishing a race



*Have you ever committed a serious crime? If so, are you now on probation or parole? Have you ever participated in an abortion? Have you ever committed a homosexual transgression?
*You have been taught that membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints includes living gospel standards. What do you understand about the following standards? Are you willing to obey them?
-The law of chastity, which prohibits any sexual relationship outside the bonds of a
legal marriage between one man and one woman.
-The law of tithing.
-The Word of Wisdom.
-The Sabbath day, including partaking of the sacrament weekly and rendering.
service to others.


*God has given us commandments to help us have happy, safe lives. He promises to bless us as we choose to obey Him. When we obey, we’re promised to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost, to retain a remission of sins, to feel peace, and to ultimately receive eternal life.

Inspired Questions: What blessings do you think Heavenly Father wants to give you? What help do you need from God right now? What blessings have you seen in your life for keeping God’s commandments? Why do you think God gives us commandments?

Scriptures: Mosiah 2:41, Malachi 3:10/3 Nephi 24:10, Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21 (blessings come from obedience), John 14:15, 21 (if ye love me, keep my commandments)

Examples/analogies: cups face up vs face down: we have tk be living commandmentsin order tor eceive the blessings – Heavenly Father wants to show Heavenly blessings down upon us (Malachi 3:10/3 Nephi 24:10)

Media: Shower of Heavenly Blessings, Blessed and Happy are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God (shark story) October 2015,

Invitation: Will you obey God’s laws?


*God commands us to communicate with Him through prayer. When we pray, we address our Heavenly Father, thank Him for our blessings, ask Him for divine help, and close in the name of Jesus Christ. In prayer we speak openly with our loving Heavenly Father. We can pray at any time and any place, but Christ has specifically taught us to kneel in prayer every morning and night, as individuals and families. God truly hears and answers our prayers according to our faith and intention to act on the answers we receive. He offers divine guidance, comfort, strength, help, and blessings. He also promises to forgive our sins as we sincerely repent. Answers to prayer are often small and simple: we must learn to recognize the Holy Ghost as He enlightens our mind with inspired thoughts and new knowledge and as he fills our hearts with peace, joy, and love.

Scriptures: 2 Nephi 32:8-9 (pray always and the Lord will consecrate your performance), Enos, Alma 34:17-28 (pray unto God about all things), Moroni 10:3-5, Doctrine and Covenants 6:22-23 (cast your mind upon the night when you received a witness), Moses 5:8 (call upon God in the name of His Son),

Examples/analogies: texting/phone call, prayer sandwich

Invitation: Will you kneel and pray daily as individuals and as a family?


*The scriptures are the inspired writings and teachings of God’s holy prophets. As we diligently study the scriptures, we learn more about Jesus Christ and His Atonement and about what we must do to apply Christ’s mercy in our lives and be able to live with God again. Our faith grows as we study the scriptures. The approved scriptures of the Church include the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.

Inspired Questions: what role has scripture study played in your life? How do you feel when you study the scriptures?

Scriptures: 1 Nephi 13:40, 2 Nephi 33:10 (hearken unto these words and believe in Christ), 1 Nephi 6:4, Ether 5, 1 Nephi 10: 3, 5-6, 11-14, 17, 19, 1 Nephi 13:40 (why we need the Book of Mormon in addition to tje Bible), 1 Nephi 15:24, 1 Nephi 19:3-6, 18, 2 Nephi 11:4-7, 2 Nephi 27:6-14, 23, 26*, 2 Nephi 29:8-12, 2 Nephi 33:10-11, Jacob 4:4, 6, Mormon 3:20-22 (Mormon is abridging this record so that all will believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and know that Jesus is the Christ and so thay we will be persuaded to repent and prepare to meet God), Mormon 8:15-16, 26-41. (Joseph will bring this record to light by the power of God – Moroni sees our day)

Media: Book of Mormon video; Jeffrey R Holland Book of Mormon introduction video; Safety for the Soul by Elder Holland October 2009; introduce with pictures

Invitation: Will you read the scriptures daily as individuals and as a family?


BAPTISM INTERVIEW QUESTION: What do you understand about the Sabbath day, including partaking of the sacrament weekly and rendering service to others? Are you willing to obey this law?

*Sunday is the Sabbath day. It is a holy day that God has set apart from the rest of the week for our spiritual and physical rejuvenation and welfare. It is truly a gift from God and our Sabbath day behavior reflects our love for God. Each Sunday we worship God and partake of the sacrament to renew our covenants at church. On this day, we participate in wholesome activities such as church attendance, prayer, scripture study, family gatherings, family history work, ministering, and service. We refrain from activities that pull our thoughts away from Jesus Christ, such as shopping, commercial events, and athletic activities. God promises to bless us with joy and strength as we set this holy day apart as a day of worship and family-centered activities.

Scriptures: Exodus 20:8, Mosiah 14, Doctrine and Covenants 59:9-14, Mosiah 18:23
Examples/analogies: like a day off from work

Media: Elder Holland Sabbath is a Delight video


*We must all be baptized and confirmed by proper authority in order to live with God again.

Scriptures: See GOJC lesson plan, Doctrine and Covenants 84:110 (the church has need of every member)

Examples/analogies: See GOJC lesson plan

Media: See GOJC lesson plan


BAPTISM INTERVIEW QUESTION: Do you believe that President Nelson is a prophet of God? What does that mean to you?

*Why does Heavenly Father send living prophets today? –> Heavenly Father wants all His children to know truth and return to live with Him. He sends living prophets to teach the truths we must know and live in order to qualify for eternal life with God and our families. Christ’s church is built on a foundation of prophets and apostles, who direct the church by revelation.

*‎How can we know if the living prophet is truly chosen by God? –> By revelation, God chooses righteous men with great faith to be His prophets. As we prepare ourselves to listen to living prophets and apostles through prayer and righteous living, we can receive a personal witness by the Holy Ghost that they are true prophets. We will also come to know that they are true prophets as we follow their counsel.

*Will Heavenly Father bless me for following the prophet? –> Yes. Heavenly Father has promised that if we follow His prophet, we will not go astray. We will be anchored in the gospel and will not be overwhelmed by Satan’s influence in the world. We will be happy and be assured that the Lord is pleased with us.

INSPIRED QUESTIONS: What would you ask a prophet who has spoken with God? Why would God give us a living prophet? What blessings do you think the Lord wants to give you personally for following His prophet?

Scriptures: Amos 3:7 (God reveals His word through prophets), Luke 1:70 (God has spoken through prophets since the beginning of time), 2 Corinthians 1:24 (we are helpers of your joy), Mosiah 8:16-18 (prophets are also seers and revelators and they reveal all things which God desires to be revealed), Mosiah 15:11 (whoever follows God’s prophets are heirs to the kingdom of God), Alma 13:3 (prophets are called and prepared from the foundation of the world because of their exceeding faith), Doctrine and Covenants 20:11 (the Book of Mormon confirms to us that God calls men to his holy work in modern times)

Scriptures: See gospel dispensations

Examples/analogies: watchman on a tower, light house, guide, spokesperson for God,

Media: Mormon Beliefs video


*Heavenly Father gives us commandments to help us stay safe and happy. He wants to bless us as we obey His commandments. God revealed these ten commandments to Moses:
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). Other “gods” can include possessions, power, or prominence.
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image” (Exodus 20:4).
“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain” (Exodus 20:7).
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8).
“Honour thy father and thy mother” (Exodus 20:12).
“Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13).
“Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14).
“Thou shalt not steal” (Exodus 20:15).
“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour” (Exodus 20:16).
“Thou shalt not covet” (Exodus 20:17).

Examples/analogies: cups open to receive blessings, we have to live all the commandments to receive the blessings (cup tower), hand signs

Scriptures: Mosiah 2:41, Exodus 20, Mosiah 14

Examples/analogies: ocean barrier – sharks, cups – blessings, flashlights on a dark path – guideposts

Media: shark video


*Teach what it is, how ro live it, why to live it, and promised blessings

What is chastity? –> Chastity means limiting all sexual relations to one husband (for women) or one wife (for men). It also means strict abstinence from sexual relations before marriage and complete fidelity and loyalty to one’s spouse after marriage.

What blessings has God promised me if I live his law of chastity? –> strength that comes from self-control, confidence and trust in their family relationships, influence of the Holy Ghost in their lives, protection from the spiritual and emotional damage of living an immoral life, prepared to make and keep sacred promises with God, protected from harmful diseases.

How can I live the law of chastity? –>Have pure thoughts, words, and actions. Pray for strength. Treat your body and God-given procreative powers as sacred. Avoid all forms of pornography. No abortions. Don’t live with your significant other until you are married. People who experience same-sex attraction should also live the law of chastity.

Victims of sexual abuse are not guilty of sin and do not need to repent.

Those who have committed sexual sin can repent, be forgiven, and live after the manner of happiness. REPENTANCE IS REAL.

Doctrine and Covenants 42: 22-25, 29: “Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else. And he that looketh upon a woman to lust after her shall deny the faith, and shall not have the Spirit; and if he repents not he shall be cast out. But he that has committed adultery and repents with all his heart, and forsaketh it, and doeth it no more, thou shalt forgive. 29 If thou lovest me thou shalt serve me and keep all my commandments.”

Resources: For the Strength of Youth, True to the Faith

Scriptures: Proverbs 31, Doctrine and Covenants 42,

Media: Chastity: what are the limits? Bible video – woman caught in adultery, guardians of virtue, Sister Dalton testimony,and pornography recovery video about Christ’s Atonement


*The Word of Wisdom is God’s law of health. He revealed it to the prophet Joseph Smith. The Lord teaches us to refrain from coffee, alcohol, tea, tobacco, and illegal substances, and to instead eat healthy foods. Our bodies are sacred and the Lord promoses blessings of health, strength, protection against evil, and greater receptiveness to the Holy Ghost as we live this law.

Scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants 89

Examples/analogies: CATTS

Media: Elder Uchtdorf video


*What it is, why we live it, promised blessings, how we pay it

*God has commanded us to give one tenth of our income to help build His kingdom. Tithing is an ancient, divine law and God promises to bless us abundantly for living it. Paying tithing is an act of faith and an outward sign of our devotion to God. Tithing funds are used to support the activities and programs of the church, including building and maintaining temples and meeting houses, missionary work, family history work, and youth programs. Local church leaders send tithing directly to the Church Headquarters, where the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and the Presiding Bishopbric prayerfully determine how the Lord wants His sacred tithing funds to be used. Church leaders serve without receiving payment of any kind.

Scriptures: Malachi 3:10, Leviticus 27:30-33, Doctrine and Covenants 119, 3 Nephi 13:33

Examples/analogies: paper circle analogy from ward council, cup overflowing

Media: Widow’s mite


*What it is, why we fast, promised blessings, how we pay fast offerings

*God has commanded us to periodically fast and He promises great blessings to people who obey this law. Fasting is going without food or drink for a period of time, usually two meals. The first Sunday of the month is typically set aside as a day to fast, pray, and bear testimony. As we fast and pray for a specific purpose, we are more receptive to the Spirit and are able to receive the guidance and comfort we need from the Lord. When we fast, we donate the money we would’ve spent on those meals to the Church to care the the local poor and needy.

Scriptures: Omni 1:26, Alma 5:45-46, Alma 6:6, Moroni 6:5, Doctrine and Covenants 88:76, Isaiah 58:6-11, Elder Eyring Is Not This the Fast I Have Chosen? Doctrine and Covenants 59:9-14

Media: The Hope of God’s Light


*You can pay your tithes and offerings on either on a donation slip or online through They are paid voluntarily and privately. It is best to pay tithing as income is received and fast offerings on the day you fast. These donations are sacred and belong to the Lord.

Examples/analogies: bring a tithing slip


*God commands us to obey the laws of the country in which we live. We should be good citizens, participate in political processes, and serve in the community.

Scriptures: Article of Faith #12




Invitations: Will you prepare to receive the Aaronic Priesthood? (For eligible and worthy males age 12 and over) Will you prepare to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood? (For eligible and worthy adult males) Will you participate actively in the appropriate auxiliary organizations?

*Priesthood is the power and authority of God given to righteous men for the strengthening of the Lord’s kingdom on earth. Priesthood power can bless all pf God’s children–it allows us to receive the ordinances of Salvation and blessings of healing, comfort, and counsel. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is led by Jesus Christ through living prophets and apostles who have been chosen by God and given His priesthood authority. This authority is the same as in Christ’s original church. After the deathof Christ’s original apostles, that priesthood power taken from the earth, but it was restored in the 1830s to the Prophet Joseph Smith. To receive the priesthood, worthy members of the Church are ordained by the laying on of hands and are given opportunitiesto serve and build up Christ’s Church. God sets the terms for men to exercise His power on earth. It is needed to perform ordinances such as baptism, confirmation, and administering the sacrament. Women who are set apart as teachers, leaders, or missionaries in the Church are given priesthood authority to perform priesthood functions. Church programs are organized by priesthood authority to strengthen members. Women ages 18 and older are part of Relief Society, men ages 18 and older are part of Elders Quorum, young men and women ages 12-18 are part of the youth program, and children ages 3-11 are part of primary.

Scriptures: James 5:14-15 (the elders of the church can pray over the sick and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord – the prayer of faith will save the sick), Mosiah 18:17 (numbered in the Church of Christ), Doctrine and Covenants 84:19-20 (melchezedek priesthood – power of godliness is manifest), Doctrine and Covenants 121:34-46 (no power or influence), James 5:14-15 (blessings for the sick)

Examples/analogies: cop vs ice cream truck

Media: Sanctify Yourselves


Invitations: Will you prepare to invite friends and relatives who do not belong to the Church to meet with the missionaries to be taught the gospel? Will you pray for the missionaries and for opportunities to share the gospel? Will you prepare to serve a mission?

*When we are baptized, we covenant with God that we will always remember Jesus Christ, take His name upon us, and keep his commandments. One significant way we do this is by sharing our knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. When we share our beliefs, we experience joy and deeper conversion. We also give others the opportunity to accept the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We should pray for missionary opportunities daily.

Inspired questions: What experiences have you had in the past to share your beliefs? Recently? Why are you a member of the Church? What fears do you have about sharing the gospel? Who do you know that needs the peace that the gospel brings?

Scriptures: Mosiah 28:3, Doctrine and Covenants 18:10-16, Doctrine and Covenants 88:81

Examples/analogies: favorite game or movie

Media: Have I Done Any Good?


Invitations: Will you hold weekly home evening, daily family prayer, daily family scripture study, and other family activities? Will you prepare to enter the temple to (1) receive your endowment? (2) be married for time and eternity or, if married, be sealed for eternity as husband and wife? and (3) have your children sealed to you? Will you worship on the Sabbath as a family?

*God sent us here in family units where we can learn and grow and prepare for exaltation. Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and the sacred powers of procreation must be preserved between husband and wife. God’s plan of salvation enables our family relationships to continue after death when authorized priesthood holders perform the sealing ordinance in temples and when husbands and wives keep their covenants. Heaven is the continuation of the ideal family. To prepare to live with our families forever, we should strengthen our relationships through family prayer, scripture study, church attendance, temple attendance, home evening, and service.

Inspired questions: How do you feel hearing that your family can be together forever?

Scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants 42:22 (cleave unto thy spouse), Doctrine and Covenants 131: 1-4 (to obtain the highest degree of celestial glory, we must be sealed to our spouse),

Examples/analogies: earthly contracts expire – contracts with God do not (but we must live within the limits of the contract),

Media: Families Can Be Together Forever video, Temples are a Beacon


Invitations: Will you prepare to receive temple ordinances? (Soon after baptism and confirmation, worthy members over age 12 can receive a recommend to go to the temple and participate in baptisms for the dead.) Will you participate in family history work and submit the names of deceased ancestors to receive temple ordinances?

*Throughout history, God has commanded His children to build temples. In the temple we make sacred covenants, or promises, with God and He gives us a special gift of power and knowledge that will help us build God’s kingdom and strengthen us in our daily lives. In the temple families can be sealed, making it possible to be together forever. Because the Savior loves all people, He makes salvation possible for those who did not have the opportunity to receive, understand, and obey His Gospel here on earth. The gospel is preached in the spirit world and in temples, living members of the Church can perform saving ordinances in behalf of deceased ancestors and others. Deceased persons can choose to either accept or reject the gospel and the associated ordinances. This is why Church members do family history work.

Inspired questions: What sacrifices do you need to make to be ready and worthy to make promises with God?

Scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants 43:16, 1 Cor 15:29, 1 Peter 3:18-20

Media: Temples are a Beacon, Mormon Beliefs Temple video


Invitations: Will you accept a calling or an assignment if it is extended to you (including an assignment as a ministering brother or ministering sister)? Will you support others in their callings?

*When we were baptized, we covenanted to serve others as Christ would serve them. Service is an important means of spiritual growth. As we prayerfully seek for opportunities to serve others, the Lord will bless us with inspiration. We have opportunities to help build up the Church through assignments, or callings. All of the work in the Church is voluntary and everyone’s strengthsand abilities are needed to build up the Lord’s Kingdom on earth. Brothers and sisters in the church will also have opportunities to minister to assigned individuals, to ensure that each Church members’ spiritual and temporal needs are met.

Inspired questions: How has serving others impacted you? How has being served by others impacted you? What opportunities do you have to serve right now? Who do you know who may need service?

Scriptures: Moroni 7:43-48, Matthew 22: 36-40, Mosiah 4:26, Mosiah 2:17, Mosiah 18:8-10

Media: Have I Done Any Good?


Invitation: Will attend church?

*The Church is organized to help each family and individual learn and apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Inspired questions: What can you do to have a more meaningful church experience?

Scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants 88:77-79, Ephesians 4:11-14


*Enduring to the end is an essential principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Baptism is the gate that opens the path to eternal life, whicht he modern-day prophet Russell M Nelson refers to as “the covenant path.” We walk on the covenant path and endure to the end by living our baptismal covenant, developing Christlike attributes, obeying God’s commandments, praying, studying the scriptures, observing the Sabbath day, and making and keeping temple covenants. When we fall short, we must repent and again qualify for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. As we do these things throughout our lives, we will be exalted in the life to come.

Inspired questions: What gives you true joy? What challenges do you foresee as you strive to follow Jesus Christ? What blessings do you hope for?

Scriptures: Acts 2:41-42, 3 Nephi 27:6 (whosoever takes upon them my name and endures to the end will be saved), 4 Nephi 1:15-16 (happiest people), Doctrine and Covenants 84:110 (the church has need of every member)

On Coming Home

I cried at the drop of a hat the day I flew home from my mission. I took my name tag off…and I cried. My grandma gave me a cactus cup…and I cried. My sister kissed her fiance…and I cried. I put on regular clothes…and I cried. You get the picture. Surprisingly, I was perhaps the most held-together of my departing group, but as soon as my first tear broke free in the Yakima airport, the rest followed in an unbroken stream.

I’ve been home for six weeks now and I believe that Heavenly Father is pleased with how I’ve adjusted so far. Nineteen months ago President Robinson encouraged me to write that “Heavenly Father is pleased with my service today” every night in my journal; that way, I would know that I was successful, even when I made mistakes. The Lord promises to compensate for our weaknesses and to make us strong. With that in mind, I’m grateful to feel that same satisfaction at home, knowing that I’ve strived to serve others, help my family, grow spiritually, stretch intellectually, and just enjoy life as it comes.

Here are some highlights and happenings:
-Cuddling with my puppies and guinea doggo
-Playing Scrabble with Grampy
-Planning my first bachelorette party
-Watching my sister get married
-Partying it up with my “Utah dad” (Uncle Bob) and Julie and Mitch when they came to Yakima
-Indoor skydiving in Seattle
-Visiting our old neighbors, Pete and Linda
-Prepping for my tenth summer at Camp Dudley
-Rock climbing with James
-Writing a novel (more to come on that)
-Chopping my hair
-Volunteering as a teacher’s aide in English classrooms at WVHS

There are good things to come!

Onward and upward,


It’s All Real!

March 2019 Blog B

March 11, 2019

It’s all Real

During my closing interview with President Robinson, he asked me what I learned during this mission experience. The Lord has taught me SO MUCH over the past year and a half about trusting Him, working hard, choosing to have joy in the journey, and becoming converted to His Gospel. My heart has changed. My love for my Heavenly Parents and my appreciation for my Savior have deepened. I’m more committed to following Them than I was previously.

I’ve developed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and have come to know that He is a very real being who knows and loves me. He lives! Everything that we learn about Him in the scriptures — it’s real. It actually happened — all of it. He did, in reality, come to earth to be our Savior and Redeemer. He really did take on each of our pains, sicknesses, temptations, sins, and afflictions so that we can overcome all challenges and return to live with God and our families. He never has and He never will abandon us — it is not in His character to do so.

This week Jennifer and Shelby got baptized, and Sam is getting baptized on Thursday in Taylor. I’m so happy for each of them. One of my favorite things about being a missionary is watching people draw nearer to their Savior and feel the joy that comes with it. To quote a Book of Mormon prophet, “happiness is prepared for the Saints.”

I’ve loved being a missionary. I’ve been humbled by the opportunity (and responsibility) to bear Christ’s name on my tag, and to represent Him for God’s children in Arizona. This is His work. He directs it. He provides the miracles. I know that this–the Gospel of Jesus Christ–is all true and that He changes lives.

WEEKLY INVITATION: Do what is necessary to strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ (I suggest starting with daily prayer, scripture study, and church attendance). Pray for guidance. It works ;).


Sister Daley



March 4, 2019



-Hermana Gardner and me

-MTC group! Me, Sister Larsen, Sister Eldridge, Elder Brimhall, and Elder Barlow

-Me with my golden retriever friends

-Sister Robinson and me

-Sister training leader pic at MLC

-Sister Thompson and me

Mar 4, 2019

Hey everyone! This was a great week! The Lord blessed us with lots of new people to help and teach this week and we’ve really seen His hand in our work.

Also, Jennifer’s baptism is set for this Saturday!! And Sam is getting baptized the week after that! I’m so excited for them .


-On Monday night a lesson fell through so we kinda deviated from our plans. We stopped by a few people and then suddenly knew* that we needed to go to a certain person. While trying to find her duplex in the dark, we went down the wrong row of duplexes and then looped back to the next row where we met Felicia! She’s a high schooler who has been thinking a lot about her purpose in life. We had a good discussion with her and then talked about the Book of Mormon and she’s super interested! We texted her the other day and she was literally just sitting down to read it! We’re meeting with her again on Thursday.

-On Tuesday we met a woman named Susan who was previously taught by missionaries. She’s going through a lot right now and it was cool to see the Lord’s timing with reconnecting us with her.

-On Wednesday we taught Michael the word of wisdom and he took it like a champ! Before I got here he told the sisters he would NEVER give up smoking, but now that he’s gained a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true and that this is Christ’s Church, he’s determined to do what is necessary to be baptized. I know he’ll get there!

-On Thursday Sister Galicia and I were on exchanges in my area and I learned so much from her about following the spirit! We felt prompted to go to a little complex near our house  and we met Ray. He met with missionaries a bit in Phoenix a few years ago and he’s really open to learning more. He’s had recent deaths in his family and he can’t figure out what he believes about life after death. We’re going back over this week to talk with him more!

-On Friday we traveled up to MLC and I bore my closing testimony. I’m so grateful for the experiences I’ve had here in Arizona and for the truths I’ve come to treasure.

-Later that night we contacted a man named Frank that we met by the bus stop last week. He has been super lonely lately and is longing for good friends and a place to belong. He’s excited to come to church and to learn more. He even brought up (on his own!) that he wants to become a member of the church! That doesn’t happen every day! He has a long way to go but he’ll get there with the Lord’s help.

-On Saturday we had a ton of meetings so our time was limited, but Jennifer had her baptism interview and did great! And then we felt a sense of urgency to contact a young mom named Myra that we met a few weeks ago and she was home and she let us right in!

Lots of miracles!! I’m exhausted–but in the most satisfying sort of way, because I know I’m giving my all. I’m excited to see what these last two weeks bring!

WEEKLY INVITATION: Identify one way you can be more in tune with the Holy Ghost this week. Pray for spiritual sensitivity to know what the Lord needs you to do.

Onward and upward,

Sister Daley